Yesterday, on my way home from work, I was still feeling sad about the election. Still in shock and disappointment in the people of this country. How can so many people actually vote for such a horrible person to be president? Then I see so much negativity online about this and that and different kinds of people.
I feel tired. And I see people of color saying I shouldn't feel the ways I fee because I'm white. Because I don't walk in the same shoes. Because I don't have the same oppression. But I do have oppression. I have empathy and I hurt for everyone. I really do. I am not one of those people telling you that your feelings aren't valid so don't tell me mine aren't. I am the one that stands next to you while WE fight for equality. For everyone. Just as you don't want to be seen as only your race or religion, or to be lumped in with some of the people that are bad, neither do I. Just because I'm white doesn't mean my life is perfect. Just because I don't want to be seen as your oppressor doesn't mean I don't recognize and want to change your oppression. I'm just sick of seeing crap against any group of people. Everyone is hurting so bad right now and it makes me sick.
Back to my story.
i was driving home from work.
I saw a homeless lady sitting in the grass on the side of the road. She had a bunch of bags with her, strewn across the sidewalk. I drove through Burger King really quickly and pulled over. I got out of the car and asked her if she was okay. She said she was and was just taking a break from walking. Long story short, she said she was going to the bus stop and got tired. Her bungee chord broke and her stuff fell out everywhere. I offered her the burger but she refused. I offered her a ride but she said no. I left feeling stupid. My husband said I was too pushy.
Why even try?
I'm not sure if I should continue with this Act of Kindness journey.
Maybe people need it but they don't want it.
Thursday, November 10, 2016
DAY 5: Leave money on vending machine.
This one is so simple and fun to do. I just imagine someone walking by, being surprised that there's free money on the vending machine. Maybe they are really thirsty and was short on funds and this just happened to be there. Maybe they were sad and felt like everyone in the world was out to get them, then they see this note and have faith in humanity restored! That is a job well done!
I kind of really want a soda now though.
I really hope someone is enjoying a nice cold soda right now.
I also hope that the gesture reminds them that there are still kind people in this world.
And that maybe it will be okay. By that I mean, the state of the country after the outcome of this current election. (It is November 9).
Everyone is reeling from the outcome, furious, confused, sad, scared. I will continue my journey of kindness throughout all of this, no matter what!!
I will admit, it was hard to think of something for today. And I skipped yesterday. I will be changing this to a tentatively 'every other day' type of thing instead of every single day. I'm super busy, it's really hard to keep up. But I will try as hard as I can.
If I can end this whole thing with one smile from someone, I will consider it to be a success!
Have a great day everyone!
This one is so simple and fun to do. I just imagine someone walking by, being surprised that there's free money on the vending machine. Maybe they are really thirsty and was short on funds and this just happened to be there. Maybe they were sad and felt like everyone in the world was out to get them, then they see this note and have faith in humanity restored! That is a job well done!
I kind of really want a soda now though.
I really hope someone is enjoying a nice cold soda right now.
I also hope that the gesture reminds them that there are still kind people in this world.
And that maybe it will be okay. By that I mean, the state of the country after the outcome of this current election. (It is November 9).
Everyone is reeling from the outcome, furious, confused, sad, scared. I will continue my journey of kindness throughout all of this, no matter what!!
I will admit, it was hard to think of something for today. And I skipped yesterday. I will be changing this to a tentatively 'every other day' type of thing instead of every single day. I'm super busy, it's really hard to keep up. But I will try as hard as I can.
If I can end this whole thing with one smile from someone, I will consider it to be a success!
Have a great day everyone!
DAY 4: Cell Phones for Soldiers
Let's start from the beginning.
Evan, my sweet husband, bought some stuff last year at Best Buy and they had some promotion where if you buy certain things or spend so much, you get a free phone. So he made sure to purchase during that promotion in order to get these phones. The idea all along was to donate them. We kept them for so long, never did anything with them.
Then I found this website called in which they send phones to soldiers who are overseas or away from their families so they are able to communicate with them. I thought, what a wonderful gift to give someone right before the holiday season!
Imagine a young father or mother away from their family during the holidays, but at least they can hear the voices and tell them they love them.
So, we sent off these two phones we had been holding onto.
I believe they will go to better homes now!
All I can think about is the happiness that will come from the conversations on these phones.
Let's start from the beginning.
Evan, my sweet husband, bought some stuff last year at Best Buy and they had some promotion where if you buy certain things or spend so much, you get a free phone. So he made sure to purchase during that promotion in order to get these phones. The idea all along was to donate them. We kept them for so long, never did anything with them.
Then I found this website called in which they send phones to soldiers who are overseas or away from their families so they are able to communicate with them. I thought, what a wonderful gift to give someone right before the holiday season!
Imagine a young father or mother away from their family during the holidays, but at least they can hear the voices and tell them they love them.
So, we sent off these two phones we had been holding onto.
I believe they will go to better homes now!
All I can think about is the happiness that will come from the conversations on these phones.
DAY 3: Babysit for free
Okay, this is something I said I wasn't going to use because it sort of isn't fair. I already owe my mother money. But I guess technically, I could babysit and ask for the money and then decide to pay her back or not.
I had gone to the ER earlier in the day and wasn't feeling well. I know my mom enjoys her time to herself once every couple of weeks so I said, 'sure I'll babysit my brother.' It was fine. It was a low key night since I wasn't feeling well and he got sleepy early. I ended up staying the night at my moms house and then got up at about 5 AM to work on the invoices for her business.
I decided, 'hey. I don't need to get paid for this either.'
My mom has helped me out a lot lately, and just in general. She deserves all the acts of kindness that come her way! So, maybe I saved her a bit of money. Maybe that's one less bill she will have to worry about later on. =]
Okay, this is something I said I wasn't going to use because it sort of isn't fair. I already owe my mother money. But I guess technically, I could babysit and ask for the money and then decide to pay her back or not.
I had gone to the ER earlier in the day and wasn't feeling well. I know my mom enjoys her time to herself once every couple of weeks so I said, 'sure I'll babysit my brother.' It was fine. It was a low key night since I wasn't feeling well and he got sleepy early. I ended up staying the night at my moms house and then got up at about 5 AM to work on the invoices for her business.
I decided, 'hey. I don't need to get paid for this either.'
My mom has helped me out a lot lately, and just in general. She deserves all the acts of kindness that come her way! So, maybe I saved her a bit of money. Maybe that's one less bill she will have to worry about later on. =]
DAY 2: Donated to a charity anonymously.
This was one of those kind of selfish acts of kindness. My husband was participating in this charity fundraiser where you play games and raise money for children's hospitals. It's a 24 hour straight marathon of video game playing! I wanted to support my husband but also the charity. I made an anonymous donation because I actually didn't want my husband to know it was from me. I wanted him to feel like other people support him and want to help him out. So, yea. I hope he got a sense of support, and the money I spent goes to helping some cool kids.
This was one of those kind of selfish acts of kindness. My husband was participating in this charity fundraiser where you play games and raise money for children's hospitals. It's a 24 hour straight marathon of video game playing! I wanted to support my husband but also the charity. I made an anonymous donation because I actually didn't want my husband to know it was from me. I wanted him to feel like other people support him and want to help him out. So, yea. I hope he got a sense of support, and the money I spent goes to helping some cool kids.
DAY 1 : Give a ride to someone
This was more than just giving a ride to someone. It wasn't a stranger, not a friend. It was a person I see daily. A coworker. A certain coworker that I don't necessarily adore. This person gets on my nerves from time to time. This person seems fake to me. Bah, I don't need to go into the details of my feelings towards this person. Let's just say, not my favorite.
I was running late. She was running late. She said she was having car troubles and ended up taking the train. I know the train station is kind of far of a walk to the office, especially considering we were already late. So I offered to pick her up at the station and take her the rest of the way.
This was out of my comfort zone as I really don't like these type of awkward, small talk conversation moments. But I figured, if I were riding the train, and had to walk so far to work, I'd take a ride if I could. So, sure why not!
It was quick and relatively easy.
We get to work and I heard her telling someone else that she got pulled over the night before because the police officer ran her plates. He had no reason to pull her over though. She didn't have her license or anything with her at the time. She was afraid of what might happen considering the state of relations between police and the black community at this time. She was shook. I can understand that. She could've told me that but didn't. She probably thinks I don't understand. And while I don't walk in those shoes, I can place myself in that situation and feel those feelings. Your feelings are right, true, and okay to have. So, I hope I made her feel safe getting to work. I hope she was glad she didn't have to walk so far from the train station. If anything, I hope she appreciated the gesture and had an easier day.
This was more than just giving a ride to someone. It wasn't a stranger, not a friend. It was a person I see daily. A coworker. A certain coworker that I don't necessarily adore. This person gets on my nerves from time to time. This person seems fake to me. Bah, I don't need to go into the details of my feelings towards this person. Let's just say, not my favorite.
I was running late. She was running late. She said she was having car troubles and ended up taking the train. I know the train station is kind of far of a walk to the office, especially considering we were already late. So I offered to pick her up at the station and take her the rest of the way.
This was out of my comfort zone as I really don't like these type of awkward, small talk conversation moments. But I figured, if I were riding the train, and had to walk so far to work, I'd take a ride if I could. So, sure why not!
It was quick and relatively easy.
We get to work and I heard her telling someone else that she got pulled over the night before because the police officer ran her plates. He had no reason to pull her over though. She didn't have her license or anything with her at the time. She was afraid of what might happen considering the state of relations between police and the black community at this time. She was shook. I can understand that. She could've told me that but didn't. She probably thinks I don't understand. And while I don't walk in those shoes, I can place myself in that situation and feel those feelings. Your feelings are right, true, and okay to have. So, I hope I made her feel safe getting to work. I hope she was glad she didn't have to walk so far from the train station. If anything, I hope she appreciated the gesture and had an easier day.
I Do Nice Things
Not sure where to start. I'm trying to make a blog just to document a journey I am setting out on for the next two months.
I want to end this craptastic year of 2016 with a bang. I want to end it in a positive way.
I had a really bad encounter with a coworker the other day. And I started to reflect on this person and why she is so negative all the time.
Then, I go online and see nothing but negativity and hatred towards each other. This election has got people really torn apart from one another.
I think everyone is just so sick of all the negativity and arguing, and they are so tired. Tired of all the bad things happening. Tired of being perceived as a bad person based on race, religion, or gender. People feel hated and they truly aren't, by most of us.
I have always celebrated different cultures and lifestyles and actually go out of my way to educate myself on them. For example: I have read parts of the Koran - when hateful lies are spread I go and educate myself on the truth. I have read blogs and articles and spoke to transgender people as well as black lives matter supporters about the current issues. I know where people are coming from who don't know anyone other than people just like them. I see and interact with impoverished and disadvantaged populations of our country every single day.
I know what we all need.
We need some kindness and love shown towards each other.
It won't solve huge problems or change laws but a little friendliness and kindness actually goes a long way sometimes.
(And yes I know what would truly make the world a better place is some understanding, tolerance, education etc. but I'm just one person and here's where I start!)
I had a client a few days ago just go on and on about how nice I am, and how it was unexpected, which is sad. Another person gave me a hug for helping her, and she left with a huge smile on her face. This is what we need.
It didn't take anything away from me to give some happiness to someone else.
So I've decided to do random, er, not-so-random acts of kindness each day from now until the end of the year. Some things I have written down and other days I will wing it, let the opportunity present itself. I also will not count every thing. A lot of things I already do, a lot of things aren't fair (example: I was going to work for my mom for free but I already owe her money lol).
I have already completed two acts, I will document them separately. But yea, here we go. I'm excited to see some smiles and make some people actually happy!
*side note: I started this one Friday, November 4. I am transferring all of this from a different website. This blog is easier to use. I also would like to make it private...
I want to end this craptastic year of 2016 with a bang. I want to end it in a positive way.
I had a really bad encounter with a coworker the other day. And I started to reflect on this person and why she is so negative all the time.
Then, I go online and see nothing but negativity and hatred towards each other. This election has got people really torn apart from one another.
I think everyone is just so sick of all the negativity and arguing, and they are so tired. Tired of all the bad things happening. Tired of being perceived as a bad person based on race, religion, or gender. People feel hated and they truly aren't, by most of us.
I have always celebrated different cultures and lifestyles and actually go out of my way to educate myself on them. For example: I have read parts of the Koran - when hateful lies are spread I go and educate myself on the truth. I have read blogs and articles and spoke to transgender people as well as black lives matter supporters about the current issues. I know where people are coming from who don't know anyone other than people just like them. I see and interact with impoverished and disadvantaged populations of our country every single day.
I know what we all need.
We need some kindness and love shown towards each other.
It won't solve huge problems or change laws but a little friendliness and kindness actually goes a long way sometimes.
(And yes I know what would truly make the world a better place is some understanding, tolerance, education etc. but I'm just one person and here's where I start!)
I had a client a few days ago just go on and on about how nice I am, and how it was unexpected, which is sad. Another person gave me a hug for helping her, and she left with a huge smile on her face. This is what we need.
It didn't take anything away from me to give some happiness to someone else.
So I've decided to do random, er, not-so-random acts of kindness each day from now until the end of the year. Some things I have written down and other days I will wing it, let the opportunity present itself. I also will not count every thing. A lot of things I already do, a lot of things aren't fair (example: I was going to work for my mom for free but I already owe her money lol).
I have already completed two acts, I will document them separately. But yea, here we go. I'm excited to see some smiles and make some people actually happy!
*side note: I started this one Friday, November 4. I am transferring all of this from a different website. This blog is easier to use. I also would like to make it private...
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